Stasis Dermatitis
Generalized Patient and Nursing Skin Care Plan:
Stasis dermatitis is a common chronic condition associated with underlying vascular insufficiency. The mainstay of treatment for stasis dermatitis is supportive measures.
- Leg elevation: Once every 2 hours for 15-30 minutes from a recliner position (higher elevation at the heart level if tolerable)
- Sleep: Keep legs elevated with multiple pillows during sleep
- Compression: Wearing compression stocking, compression dressing, or Unna boot can improve circulation and reduce venous stasis and pooling.
- Exercise: Avoid prolonged standing, sitting, or exercising. Take intermittent breaks every hour from standing to sitting and resting to exercising.
- Topical applications: Apply petroleum jelly (Vaseline) generously to affected area. Liberal moisturization with fragrance, dye, and perfume free, ceramide-based emollients.
- Antibacterial: Gentle acidification of the skin with dilute apple cider vinegar may be recommended for ten minutes two to three times weekly to reduce associated inflammation, itching, and restore the skin’s natural flora.
- Acute flares: Short term application of midpotency corticosteroids, such as triamcinolone 0.1% ointment.
- Itching: may consider over the counter oral antihistamines for short term severe itching relief. Adding colloidal oatmeal to a cool bath may be desirable.
- Cleansing: Recommend gentle soap free of fragrance, recommend Cetaphil Gentle Skin Cleanser and apply moisturizer as soon as possible after bathing, ideally within 5 minutes.
***Disclaimer: Information above adapted from Medscape for educational purposes only. The information and education material herein is meant to promote a general understanding of stasis dermatitis care. Such information is not intended to substitute for a healthcare professional’s opinion or instructions and readers should always consult healthcare professionals regarding care.***
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